Out-Stream Video

Mobile-only ads that appear in content. Ads play automatically on mute until a user taps to unmute or dismiss.


Site: Pelmorex Audience

Platform: Desktop, Mobile Web, Mobile & Tablet App

Size: Video is always responsive

File Format: .mp4 only

Max Weight Best Practices: 40kb – 2mb

Animation Length: 15s or less recommended

Third Party Tags Accepted: VAST or VPAID

Client Supplied Creative Deadline: 48hrs prior to launch

In-House Tracking: Clicks, Impressions

Trackers Accepted: Impression + Clicks + (Engagement if applicable)

Video Length: :15sec or less is recommended

Skip Button/Forced Video Length: N/A

Audio Auto Play? No

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DCM impression and click trackers for quartile tracking not accepted due to potential discrepancy issues*. If quartile tracking is required, client must provide VAST tags. Engagefront quartile reporting can be provided as an alternative, upon request at campaign setup.

*High rate of discrepancy in quartile reporting between DCM and Engagefront. Client may face billing and reporting issues*


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