Video Interstitial

Immerse yourself in a captivating visual experience like never before with our Video Interstitial Ad Unit. Designed to elevate your brand’s story, this innovative ad format seamlessly blends the power of video with the striking appeal of static display images. Available in both vertical and Horizontal ***Tablet size not available on O/O***

Site:The Weather Network, MétéoMédia and Pelmorex Audience

Platforms: Mobile App

Size: 320×480

File Format:
HORIZONTAL: mp4/ .mov and PSD or JPG for video background
VERTICAL: mp4/ .mov

Max Weight Best Practices:
HORIZONTAL: Background 320×480 = 200kb + Video 2.5 mb
VERTICAL: Video 2.5mb

Animation Length: 15s or less recommended

Third Party Tags Accepted: N/A

Client Supplied Creative Deadline: 48hrs prior to launch

Designed and Built by Pelmorex Deadline: 3-5 business days prior to launch

Assets required for Pelmorex to build:
HORIZONTAL: mp4/ .mov and PSD or JPG for video background
VERTICAL: mp4/ .mov

In-House Tracking: Clicks, Impressions, Video tracking (Start, 1/4, Mid, 3/4, End), Viewability

Trackers Accepted: Clicks, Impressions, Video tracking (Start, 1/4, Mid, 3/4, End)

Video Length: 15s or less recommended

Audio AutoPlay? User-initiated

Frequency Cap: 1 per 4 days per user (TWN/MM)

Pelmorex Audience Compatible? Yes


O&O reporting is available for quartile tracking. Engagefront quartile reporting can be provided as an alternative, upon request at campaign setup. *high rate of discrepancy in quartile reporting betweem DCM and Engagefront. Client may face billing and reporting issues*


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